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2022 Spring, Optical Quantum Electronics


Grading policy: 

Homework (60%), mid-term (20%), final (20%).

Option: students can request to waive certain homework or all homework, and the homework score will be substituted by the exam scores. For example, if you option out all our homework, then your final grade will be mid-term (50%), final (50%). 

Prerequisites: ECE 3209-Electromagnetic field


Textbook (recommend)

Quantum Electronics, by Amnon Yariv; A newer version is named "Photonics: optical electronics in modern communications".

Nonlinear optics, by Robert W. Boyd

Nonlinear fiber optics, by Govind P. Agrawal.

Quantum Optics, by Marlan O. Scully


Course description:

Quantum electronics, the study of light and matter interaction, has become the cornerstone in many areas of optical science and technology. The course will start with reviewing the principle of lasers followed by introducing the generalized nonlinear wave equations. This course will cover typical nonlinear effects and their applications in telecommunication, ultrafast laser, quantum computing/information, and chemical/bio spectroscopy. 


Course Objectives:

• Provide a thorough foundation of nonlinear optics origin and the approaches to solve nonlinear Maxwell equations, including both second-order and third-order nonlinear effects. 

• Provide students with an understanding of nonlinear optics effect and phase matching in optical fibers, chip-based waveguide semiconductor devices, and microresonators. 

• Provide a detailed discussion of several significant nonlinear devices including frequency doubler, parametric oscillator, electro-optic modulator, and mode-locked femtosecond lasers.

• Provide an introduction to ongoing nonlinear research, including quantum information/computing, nonlinear spectroscopy, optical frequency comb and etc.


Course Contents:

• Chapter 1: Review of Maxwell Equations.

• Chapter 2: Introduction to light and matter interaction: the basic principle of laser.

• Chapter 3: Introduction to nonlinear optics.

• Chapter 4: 2nd order nonlinear optics devices: frequency doubler, electro-optic modulators, parametric amplifier, and parametric oscillator.

• Chapter 5: 3rd order nonlinear optics devices: four-wave mixing and optical frequency combs, wave equations in optical fiber, and Raman and Brillouin scattering.

• Chapter 6: Quantization of light (not required for 4501 in exams).

• Chapter 7: Full quantum picture of light and matter interaction (not required for 4501 in exams).




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